Style Guide for Writers

Brief instructions to write easy-to-read and clear texts. The guide is updated regularly.


The comma always connects to the previous word: As you see , such a variant is false, but this is right.
Parentheses have spaces inside ( not like here ), but (like here).
Hyphens are attached to both words: e-commerce, but not e- commerce, and not e – commerce.
Dashes are twice as long as hyphens: Zaha Hadid – (incorrect) a futuristic architect – (correct) has built my campus.
Apostrophes are ‘, but not’ or ` in English. Friend’s notebook, but not friend’s notebook.
Quotation marks in English are “”, but not “” or ‘‘’’ or «», or” “.
Decimal points are used with numbers instead of commas: 1,200, but not 1.200

Image and text

The intro image of an article can be placed above or beneath the header, but the intro image always stays above the first paragraph.

We place other images beneath the corresponding paragraph. People should first start reading the paragraph and then look at the picture.

We may place Images on the right side of a page but not on the left side. However, on, we don’t use both of the variants.


Sentences are short. Each sentence provides one thought that escalates into the following sentence or a subordinate clause. We don’t merge two sentences with uncorrelated information.

We transform passive voice into active voice. Our brain imagines the active voice easier than the passive; therefore, we remember more stuff.

Paragraphs need to have similar sizes. If you see that one paragraph has 100 words but another 180, the good idea is to split such a paragraph into two parts without losing focus.


I took the rules from the books of Maxim Ilyakhov, the editor of Tinkoff-Journal, and on recommendations of the Institute for English Business Communication at the Vienna University of Economics.

I recommend reading books of Maxim Ilyakhov – the books are easy to read. You can even practice inside of a virtual book and get feedback immediately.

I use 2 tools to make text easy to read and to write without mistakes: Grammarly premium and

The guide is updated regularly, and I stick to the rules in my blog.

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