Financial Data Dashboard in Telegram
I created the financial dashboard @financial_data_bot. It is free to use.
Get stock data
/info msft y ma30
/info is a command that activates the get stock data function.
msft is a ticker name of Microsoft. insert any other ticker. Note, for now, not every ticker is available.
y is a date range. You may use w, m, 3m, 6m, y, 3y, or 5y. Also, you may enter specific dates, for example, 01-2021 03-2023 prints the data from January 2021 to March 2023.
ma30 is a monthly average line. it takes the average price of a stock in the last 30 days. You take any days you want: ma40 ma60 ma120 etc.
You can also print more than one line, add one more ma30 /info msft y ma60 ma80 ma240.
Get market data
/market USA 1y
Get the market data with the most popular metrics, such as federal debt, inflation, trade balance, unemployment etc.
Ask about financial stuff
/ask provides a definition of a financial instrument, information about a company, and events.
/ask what is CDS
/ask how to count the option price
price alerts
/alert msft 9:00 12:00 18:00
alert prints the price in the defined time every day, except of weekends
/alert currency 9:00 – prints the eurrub and usdrub prices
/alert brent 9:00 – prints brent oil price
/stop msft – to stop the alert of a specific stock.
Get summary news (Soon)
to get the summary, I use Openai chatgpt. It is not free – each stock news analysis costs 50 cents daily. This is because the bot analyses a million words in hundreds of newspapers. If you need this function, get the Openai API and enter it in /openai Your_API_Key, like /openai sk-jfkafjkwhlfhph82p9hi3u2hrbguashg98g3.
The bot will store the summary in the database, and share the news analysis with others
/summary msft d
d is a day. It can also be a week (w) or month (m). You may also choose a specific date, e. g., /summary msft 01-02-2023 03-02-2023.
/summary USA d gets the overall USA market news summary.
Additional data with APIs (Soon)
I want the bot to be free to use, but I have limits on the usage of specific data. For example, only 2 requests about the USD and EUR prices can be done in one minute. the stock news analysis is also very expensive.
Get these 3 APIs to use the bot for free:
- Alpha vantage – give the currency prices, free to use for less than 5 queries per minute
- Fred – American database of the market data. Requires a 2-minute registration
- Openai – Ghatgpt machine. Register and get 5$ for free. Get API.
More Features
I want to get real-time stock, bond, and forex prices. They cost a bit. for example, to buy the info on the Moscow Stock Exchange, I have to pay 100$ monthly for each type of security. I can’t afford it, but if there will be enough users, I will create the 1$ subscription, which will give all the features.
Also, I pay 4$ for the server, which is enough to handle 15 requests in one minute. I have to pay 2$ for every 20 additional requests per minute monthly. The database costs 5$ for 15GB. If you like the bot, you may help me to finance it via Koveh Pay
Some bugs with the graphs will be edited soon.
have any ideas, found a bug, wanna promote the project, or join a team, write a comment below or to